AWS cloud infrastructure for Dziennikus app

January 20, 2016

AWS cloud infrastructure for Dziennikus app


AWS cloud infrastructure was the best choice for Dziennikus app. Now, the solution is much more efficient and prepared for the traffic growth.

The project description

SmartMedia is a technology company that specializes in providing software for companies and public institutions. One of the applications developed by the company is, an electronic school diary, supporting the work of the school and a comprehensive source of information for parents with information about lesson plans, attendance lists, tests and grades of their children.


aws cloud infrastructure


After an effective sales campaign conducted by Dziennikus, the number of users of the application began to grow rapidly. The growing needs meant that existing server solutions would no longer suffice. Therefore, the client sought an efficient and scalable solution that could support the rapid growth of users.

Our analysis has shown that the existing hosting solution Dziennikus was based on could have performance issues. As a result, usage of the application would be hindered and, in some cases, impossible.



After analysing the project in terms of dynamic growth in users and insufficient performance of the existing hosting solution, we proposed a migration of resources to the Amazon Web Services cloud.  The main advantage of this solution is scalability, which fits perfectly with the needs of the customer. The scope of our works included designing and implementing a highly scalable HA infrastructure based on Amazon Web Services and administrative support to guarantee stable functioning of the application.

aws cloud infrastructure


We divided the implementation into four main stages:

Stage 1 – Preparation and implementation of Amazon Infrastructure

We launched t2.medium and c4.large instances for webpage and database.  We also configured Elastic Load Balancer, which distributes incoming application traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances. Then, we installed and configured dedicated security and monitoring tools.

Stage 2 – Data migration

The application performance was tested in Amazon Web Services environment. After configuring a new infrastructure, all Dziennikus data was migrated to the AWS cloud.

Stage 3 – Optimization and monitoring

Watching over the reliability, scalability and the optimization of parameters of the database were our next task.

Stage 4 – Server management

All the time we are taking care about stable and efficient action of the Dziennikus application and maximize it safety.


Business benefits

The implementation of the Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure made it possible to increase the efficiency of the website and to eliminate the problems with the availability of resources in case of traffic growth. This translates into stable and continuous operation of the application.  For users of Dziennikus this means greater comfort and a trouble-free use of the application.



Thanks to Hostersi’s commitment and implementation of the new infrastructure, based on Amazon Web Services, Dziennikus application is much more efficient and prepared for the traffic growth.

Bartosz Sobolewski, SmartMedia Sp. z o.o.


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Case Studies

Hostersi is recommended as a reliable and highly professional partner. Thanks to the involvement of Hostersi the performance of platform increased by 8-times!

Rafal Kopyto
Briefly about us
We specialize in IT services such as server solutions architecting, cloud computing implementation and servers management.
We help to increase the data security and operational capacities of our customers.