Building cloud infrastructure for SmartFrame

April 20, 2020

Building cloud infrastructure for SmartFrame

Building a cloud infrastructure for SmartFrame turned out to be an extraordinary challenge for us. Thanks to the cooperation of Hosters's and SmartFrame, we develop solutions to unusual problems related to application management in the cloud, secure deployment, maintaining uptime at a high level, and responding to unexpected situations.


SmartFrame is a technology for displaying images for the Internet, offering an unprecedented quality of delivered content, its protection, dynamic interaction with photos, and a monetization program. Thanks to SmartFrame, leading photographers and photo agencies can present their photos in an unprecedented way and generate new sources of profit.


From the first days of existence, SmartFrame needed infrastructure that could be scaled along with the development of the company. After the first prototype tests from AWS, it became clear to the organization that the most effective way to achieve the assumed capacity and scale would be cooperation with an experienced cloud service provider.

Building cloud infrastructure. Solution

The solution for SmartFrame is a long-term cooperation in building infrastructure that is constantly evolving as the needs change. SmartFrame, together with Hostersi, develops solutions to unusual problems related to application management in the cloud, secure deployment, maintaining uptime at a high level, and responding to unexpected situations. The close cooperation between engineers from both companies is key to the success of this cooperation.

Solutions used:

EC2 - the basis of the infrastructure are WEB instances serving the application

RDS - the infrastructure uses the MySQL database engine

ELB - balances the load

S3 - stores all static scripts / files

CodeDeploy - implementation of subsequent versions of the application

Lambda - responsible for creating client infrastructure snapshots

Redis - as a cache, is configured in HA with an automatic failover


The breakdown into multiple accounts - this allows for separation of privileges and better protection of sensitive content and also reduces the chances that dev infrastructure elements will affect production. It also allows you to analyze the cost of specific components (e.g. CI / CD environment, DEV environment, Production environment).

Blue-green deployment - based on native mechanisms provided by AWS, enables the safe implementation of changes in the environment.


External services and applications used in the project:





Customer benefits

Thanks to the new infrastructure and the possibility of auto-scaling, as well as the implementation of deployment tools in AWS, the application can be adapted much faster to market requirements. It also translates into the fact that SmartFrame can offer services at the highest technical level.



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Hostersi is recommended as a reliable and highly professional partner. Thanks to the involvement of Hostersi the performance of platform increased by 8-times!

Rafal Kopyto
Briefly about us
We specialize in IT services such as server solutions architecting, cloud computing implementation and servers management.
We help to increase the data security and operational capacities of our customers.