Building infrastructure, anti-DDoS protection, and round-the-clock administrative support for Rezigiusz's online lottery environment

June 17, 2024

Building infrastructure, anti-DDoS protection, and round-the-clock administrative support for Rezigiusz's online lottery environment

For Rezigiusz, a web creator whose YouTube channels are subscribed to by several million people, we were preparing the infrastructure to handle the traffic generated by one of the first online lotteries in which Rezi's Mustang was up for grabs.

As anticipated by the organizers, the campaign was expected to generate two prominent peaks of traffic - the first at the launch of the lottery landing page and the second on the day of the draw.


Therefore, for the campaign, we prepared an infrastructure based on AWS EC2 autoscaling instances equipped on the front end with load balancers whose task was to distribute traffic evenly. For file storage, we used AWS S3 and Elasticache Redis. We secured the whole thing by configuring Cloudflare accordingly.

At the peak of the action, a maximum of 27 ec2 t3.medium instances were running, and 160,000 requests were made. The RDS database had 16 CPUs and 64GB of RAM. The CPU load peaked at 56%, and the available memory dropped to 4GB.

At the time of the lottery website's launch and on the day of the draw, the proper functioning of the infrastructure was supervised by a dedicated team whose only task at the time was to maintain the lottery infrastructure. Thanks to this, despite the very high traffic, the whole thing could be implemented as intended, avoiding even the slightest unavailability of the website.


For the online raffle, in which the Mustang of a well-known YouTuber was up for grabs, we prepared an infrastructure to handle the enormous traffic generated by the event participants. At the same time, we secured the action against external attacks, guaranteeing full availability of the service during the action. We also provided a 24/7 administrative support service for the client during the lottery.




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