Migration MJM’s application to the AWS Cloud

September 23, 2015

Migration MJM’s application to the AWS Cloud


Migration MJM’s application to the AWS cloud allowed to handle massive web traffic and seamless ticket sales for Justin Timberlake concert in Gdansk, Poland.

Project description – migration to AWS cloud

For Prestige MJM, a leading concert agency in Poland, we have implemented a solution based on cloud computing Amazon Web Services. This agency many times organised events and concerts with world’s music stars (Jose Carreras, Rod Stewart, Bryan Adams, Justin Timberlake, Scorpions, Backstreet Boys, etc.).



Justin Timberlake concert in Gdansk was one of the biggest Polish musical events of the year. A record-breaking number of vievers have watched the show. PGE Arena in Gdansk gathered 42 thousands of Timberlake’s fans, so the real challenge was to handle the online ticket sales campaign.

Our analysis showed that the increased traffic of users would overload the VPS server of Prestige MJM’s platform. As a result, the purchase could be impossible, and the sales app would be overloaded and unsuited to a increasing numbers of customers.



After analyzing the project, we proposed a migration to Amazon Web Services, which main advantage is scalability.

The main purpose was to adjust the server infrastructure to the load generated by users. We launched EC2 instances (one C3.large instance for the database, and five C3.large instances for the website). The main task of the AWS instances was to handle the increased traffic in MJM’s sales platform. In addition, we launched Load Balancing service for the load-balanced server network traffic.


Preparation of AWS infrastructure and data migration we divided into several basic stages:


Stage 1 – Preparation of AWS infrastructure

After creating Amazon Machine Image (AMI), we launched C3.large instance for the database, five C3.large instances for the web and Load Balancing service for the load-balanced server network traffic. We also installed and configured tools for monitoring and improving the performance and safety of the sales app.


Stage 2 – Optimization and Monitoring

Our next task was to take care about scaling and reliability and optimizing the parameters of the database.


Stage 3 – Initial data migration

Application performance has been tested in the AWS environment. New infrastructure, including data security, was configured in a real time.


Stage 4 – Data Migration

To make a full data migration, we had to temporarily disable the application. MJM, with our support, synchronized all data and changed IP addresses.


Stage 5 – Data backup

In the last stage we prepared a backup of transferred data, so in the case of failure it can be easily recovered.


Business benefits

Migrating resources from VPS to the AWS cloud increased performance of MJM’s sales app and eliminated problems with the availability of resources. As a result, Justin Timberlake’s fans could easily purchased tickets online.


migration aws cloud


The new infrastructure is highly scalable and allows to quickly increase or decrease resources. In the case of Timberlake’s tickets sales campaign the load was 7000 requests/min.



Hostersi is a reliable partner, whose help was invaluable. With the technical support of Hostersi MJM’s sales platform brilliantly handled the increased traffic of Internet users.


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