Migration to cloud – Landingi

December 27, 2014

Migration to cloud – Landingi


Hostersi have migrated resources of Landingi app to Amazon Web Services cloud which one of the greatest benefits is the ability to scale up and down.

The project description

Landingi.com is a global web application enabling users to create landing pages for the needs of advertising campaigns. It’s SaaS app consisted of intuitive editor, statistics and tools for running A/B tests. The application was hosted on dedicated Virtual Private Server (VPS), where load was between 2-3 of servers capacity.



When server infrastructure is constantly overloaded, any traffic increase could cause serious problems with proper VPS operation and, as a result, troubles with the access to the app and customers landing pages availability. The occurrence of the above-mentioned problems is sudden and unpredictable, therefore the number of people using this application at the very same moment is infinite. There are two types of users: clients creating their landing pages and customers interested in ongoing advertising campaigns. Even the application itself is additional load to the server, because most of landing pages consist of graphics and multimedia uploaded directly on VPS.



Landingi.com was hosted on Hostersi Data Center servers from the very beginning. Recognizing the constant increase in number of users and disturbing VPS server load, we proposed resources migration to Cloud Computing – Amazon Web Services, whose key advantage is simple scalability of infrastructure. The main goal was to divide servers infrastructure to distribute the load generated by the application itself (tools used for creating and editing landing pages) and by the users interested in advertising campaigns. We proposed to run 4 separate instances based on EBS (Elastic Block Store) within Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This solution guaranteed great flexibility and scalability with minimum possible time of resources unavailability.

The application was being used constantly, hence we’ve joined forces with Landingi.com to plan the whole migration process very precisely. We divided it into four main stages:

Stage 1 – Preparation of Amazon Infrastructure

After Amazon Machine Image (AMI) had been taken, we created aforementioned 4 instances, installed and configured tools needed to monitor and to improve systems efficiency and safety.

Stage 2 – Initial data migration

The application performance was tested in Amazon Web Services environment. New infrastructure settings, including data security within the Amazon Security Group, were being configured online.

Stage 3 – Data migration

We had to disable the application temporarily to carry out full data migration. The app provider synchronized all the data and changed IP addresses, with our support.

Stage 4 – Data backup

In the last step, we took care of data backup to maximize safety and minimize the time needed to restore the application in case of failure.


Business benefits

Aforementioned data migration from VPS to Cloud Computing – Amazon Web Services improved server infrastructure capability and eliminated all problems with application operation and resource availability in case of overload. Crucial thing is that all clients receive demanded data much faster thanks to geolocation.

New infrastructure is highly scalable. Implemented mechanisms help to quickly increace or decrease resources, with minimal possible time of application unavailability. Additionally, new infrastructure enables us to separate traffic generated by application itself from traffic generated by users.


Client testimonial

Thanks to Amazon Web Services solution and all implemented tools and mechanisms, both efficiency and safety has been improved. Landingi.com app is perfectly prepared for an unexpected increase in traffic. We’ve also expanded our cooperation with Hostersi (admin support 24/7) to ensure an immediate reaction to any problems.

Błażej Abel, CEO Landingi.com


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Case Studies

Hostersi is recommended as a reliable and highly professional partner. Thanks to the involvement of Hostersi the performance of Buykers.com platform increased by 8-times!

Rafal Kopyto
Briefly about us
We specialize in IT services such as server solutions architecting, cloud computing implementation and servers management.
We help to increase the data security and operational capacities of our customers.