New infrastructure in AWS for Geek Soft company

December 5, 2016

New infrastructure in AWS for Geek Soft company


New infrastructure in AWS for Geek Soft is the result of the Hostersi’s well done job. The migration to AWS cloud has improved server infrastructure capability and eliminated all problems with applications operation and resources availability.

New infrastructure in AWS for Geek Soft. The introduction

Geek Soft is a software house, specializing in building efficient products for financial services based on rigorous software quality models like financial market trading platforms and cryptocurrency payment systems. Because of that, capability and cybersecurity issues are very important to the company.


New infrastructure in AWS for Geek Soft. The challenge

Geek Soft used to have a typical set of dedicated servers, placed in the Data Center. Because of the growing needs the previous infrastructure was insufficient and completely non-flexible. That’s the reason why Hostersi have migrated resources of Geek Soft to Amazon Web Services where one of the greatest benefits is the ability to scale up and down.


New infrastructure in AWS for Geek Soft. The implementation

Hostersi, Amazon Web Services Consulting Partner, specializes in remote management of server resourcesand cloud solutions, has prepared the project of the new infrastructure in AWS, based on previous physical infrastructure with minimum resources suitable for the current load of physical servers and the ability to scale up, including the proper MSSQL licensing model.

new infrastructure in aws

Furthermore, Hostersi has configured AWS elements and implemented ‘Security Groups’ matched to firewall rules to ensure the highest level of cybersecurity. The new infrastructure has many kinds of AWS instances – from t2 to m4 and c4. ‘Us-east-1’ region (US East, N. Virginia) was used and all instances are placed in Availability Zone ‘us-east-1a’.

The project is based on private addressing used for the network (VPC), which was then divided using VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Mask) for the smaller subnet. Each of them form the base for various functional groups of instances and ensure support for the introduction of multiple Availability Zones (Multi-AZ) in the future.


New infrastructure in AWS for Geek Soft. Business benefits

New infrastructure in AWS means bigger flexibility and a higher level of security for Geek Soft’s IT projects. The new solution is highly scalable and allows to quickly increase or decrease resources. Now, the people from Geek Soft only pay for what they use. That’s the good deal!

new infrastructure


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Hostersi is recommended as a reliable and highly professional partner. Thanks to the involvement of Hostersi the performance of platform increased by 8-times!

Rafal Kopyto
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We specialize in IT services such as server solutions architecting, cloud computing implementation and servers management.
We help to increase the data security and operational capacities of our customers.