Project and implementation AWS cloud for Cleeng company

June 20, 2016

Project and implementation AWS cloud for Cleeng company


Project and implementation AWS cloud (Amazon Web Services) for Cleeng company was a great experience for us and has started a great cooperation with one of the fastest growing company in Europe according to The Next Web. Check out our case study!


Project and implementation AWS cloud – project description

Cleeng, the leading video e-commerce platform, safeguards LIVE concerts, sporting events, conferences for leading brands including FIFA, Cirque du Soleil, TEDMED, Dailymotion. Cleeng has mastered all the challenges associated with selling videos on all devices like the  Mayweather-Pacquiao, the highest-paid boxing contest in the history of the pay-per-view system. Cleeng supports a wide variety of business models (Live events, VOD, subscriptions, registration wall) and collect payments in more than 170 countries.

Cleeng had dealed with larger and larger global events  so they needed to enhance their infrastructure to bring the greatest user experience. Cleeng entrusted Hostersi, Amazon Web Services Consulting Partner with the task of tuning the existing cloud computing infrastructure.

Projekt i wdrożenie infrastruktury chmurowej AWS

Cleeng is one of the fastest growing companies in Europe according to The Next Web.



Cleeng had a typical cloud solutions. The main goal was to iron out solutions into highly scalable, reliable architecture with the simplified logical schema and eliminated Single Point of Failure. Hostersi has decided to flatten the infrastructure of the customer and eliminate breaking points, making new infrastructure more efficient and reliable.

project and implementation aws cloud

Hostersi are an official Amazon Web Services Partner in implementation of cloud computing. As Amazon AWS Partner in Hostersi have necessary knowledge, know-how and AWS certifications, providing high quality services.


Hostersi have prepared and implemented the project of highly scalable, reliable architecture based on Amazon Web Services. Morover Hostersi manage Cleeng’s cloud solution which allows maintaining high resource availability (HA), optimal level of security and easy scalability of resources. Amazon Web Services is currently the largest provider of IaaS cloud (overtaking companies such as Microsoft and IBM), with more than 1 000 000 clients whose services are used by more than 600 government agencies worldwide and such well-known brands such as Spotify, Netflix, IMDB, and NASA.


Our implementation we divided into three main stages:

Stage 1 – Project and implementation of AWS infrastructure

In the work, Hostersi  has been automating the deployment of the application, as well as launching and configuration of infrastructure elements. Hostersi has been also creating a project of the infrastructure HA, using Multi AZ and implementing  DR policy scripts and monitoring of resources. The company was also an important project component at benchmark tests of the application. As a result, a testing infrastructure has been created with the possibility of automatic starting and stopping.

We launched EC2 instances and configured Elastic Load Balancing, which distributes incoming application traffic across multiple Amazon EC2 instances. Moreover we used Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. To improve the performance of web application we also implemented service called ElastiCache.

Stage 2 – Optimization and monitoring

Optimization and monitoring the new Cleeng’s infrastructure in the cloud was our next task.

Stage 3 – Cloud management

All the time we care about stable and efficient running of the application, adding new instances, configuring AWS environment and consulting issues of the productivity with Cleeng development team.


Business benefits

Thanks to optimization, the infrastructure allows for auto scalability, depending on the current needs during the day. It means that the productivity of the system is adjust  dynamically to changes in the load. Now, Cleeng’s infrastructure handles massive traffic and the company pays just for what it use.

Projekt i wdrożenie infrastruktury chmurowej AWS

In the peak time Cleeng’s application supports as many as 250 thousands of requests per hour, keeping its original productivity.

Moreover the optimised infrastructure contains solutions, ensuring the better productivity and the availability of the system – HA (High Availability) and scripts of DR (Disaster Recovery). It meens better continuity of IT and business processes.



Thanks to Amazon Web Services and Hostersi’s support our online platform is perfectly prepared for an unexpected increase in traffic. Hostersi many times have proved to be a reliable and highly professional company, fulfilling their tasks always within the required deadlines and according to the individual needs of a client.

Donald Res, Cleeng CTO


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Case Studies

Hostersi is recommended as a reliable and highly professional partner. Thanks to the involvement of Hostersi the performance of platform increased by 8-times!

Rafal Kopyto
Briefly about us
We specialize in IT services such as server solutions architecting, cloud computing implementation and servers management.
We help to increase the data security and operational capacities of our customers.