Well Architected Review for Edrone

April 6, 2020

Well Architected Review for Edrone

Well Architected Review has proven to be the best way to evaluate edrone’s advanced infrastructure in Amazon Web Services.


Edrone is a CRM system for online stores and e-commerce platforms. Edrone helps e-commerce managers understand customer behavior and intentions and utilize this knowledge to automate sales. The edrone platform consists of two components - customer intelligence and experience marketing automation - working together to provide features that include managing abandoned shopping carts, product cross-selling and up-selling, shopping assistant and dynamic advertising. The company operates in 15 countries and has over 1000 clients.


The edrone infrastructure has been developed using the Amazon Web Services cloud for many years already. Edrone architects recognized the necessity to perform an external evaluation of the infrastructure as part of the their iterative approach to development, to better match the application requirements and at the same time gain competitive advantage. Given these requirements, the Company decided to commission Hostersi with conducting an infrastructure analysis in accordance with AWS Well Architected Review guidelines.

Well Architected Review

Given the extensive experience endrone had in developing their infrastructure in Amazon Web Services, Hostersi have offered a consulting service to perform the AWS Well-Architected Review. Why Well Architected? Hostersi are a member of AWS Well Architected Partner Program and have several years of experience in the development and management of cloud infrastructures along with certified specialists required by Amazon Web Services to qualify to carry out the review. On top of that, given the maturity of the client's infrastructure, it was recommended, that the review would be done by an external entity in order to provide a fair and unbiased assessment.

Well Architected Framework is a methodology created by Amazon Web Services based on many years of experience in cooperation with clients. It was developed as a set of good practices to help architects create infrastructure for applications. The Well-Architected Framework is based on five pillars:

  • Operational excellence, which focuses on analyzing elements related to monitoring, infrastructure operations, business priorities and documentation.
  • Security, which first and foremost gives insight into security-related aspects, i.e. resource, data and systems security as well as access management policies.

  • Reliability, concerned with high availability, disaster recovery, fault tolerance, configuration errors as well as performance and stress testing.

  • Performance, which primarily analyzes aspects related to resource management, serverless, containerization and database selection.

  • Cost optimization, which addresses the infrastructure budget and gives recommendations on  elimination of unnecessary services.

The review process consisted of several stages. The first was answering 256 questions, which were grouped into five categories. In the next stage, a report was created detailing the current condition of the Edrone infrastructure in AWS along with change recommendations that were implemented by Edrone architects. In the case of the Edrone review, only 46 points (i.e. less than 20%) of the entire report indicated a need for improvement. Changes had to be made primarily in the areas of Security, Performance and Reliability. Risks associated with cost optimization have also been completely eliminated. After the infrastructure changes were implemented, a second report was performed to verify if improvements were made in the previously indicated areas. As an incentive for improvement, Edrone was awarded $ 5,000 from Amazon Web Services to implement necessary changes to areas indicated listed in the Well-Architected report.



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