AWS Commercial Reseller

 AWS Commercial Reseller

AWS Commercial Reseller. This is the official status that Hosters acquired in early 2017, becoming the first reseller of Amazon Web Services in Poland. This status gives us a number of opportunities to offer complex IT infrastructure management services to our clients.

Amazon offers countless services. Our knowledge is based on the implementation of many systems and what is even more important – their ongoing maintenance, development and problem solving. Effective use of AWS services without knowing the rules of their settlement is just costly for the final recipient. It takes years and requires a lot of experience to manage AWS services and accounts as efficiently as possible.


aws solution provider reseller


AWS Commercial Reseller – what does it mean?

As part of our reselling service, we can make it easier for you to work with Amazon Web Services. Why is it so important? Consider whether you know the answers to the following questions:

  • Do you know if and what limits has your account in AWS? You can see that when Auto Scaling fails to launch instances and you will need them?
  • Do you know how to protect and threaten the leak of the API key? The stolen key will certainly be used to launch powerful instances of digging bitcoins – on your account.
  • You know that before you start anything in AWS, you should plan and rethink the VPC network structure and create security groups?
  • Do you know what you need to do to legally conduct a penetration test of your Amazon Web Services-based application?
  • Do you know at which stage you must decide to encrypt your data?
  • You know what will happen if your infrastructure becomes a source of DDoS attack?
  • Do you know what is a Reserved and Spot instance?
  • Do you know what multiAZ is and how it works?
  • You know how to get real redundancy within AWS resources and how to secure data in case of disappearance of the whole region?


If you have any doubts as to the answers to the above questions, you can simply report it to us. As part of reselling, we will provide support for you in AWS, we will keep an eye on your account and help you understand the Amazon Web Services billing and services. In the simplest terms we will be a Polish invoice provider and advisor, helping to optimize costs in the cloud. We’ll also help you create alerts that tell you when your account changes. If you give us access to the infrastructure, we will help you determine if your resources are optimal and adequate for the load. If you do not know the answers to the above questions, we also offer AWS solution design, implementation and management.

AWS Commercial Reseller 

As AWS Commercial Reseller we provide:

  • Mediation in support / contact with Amazon Web Services (the customer does not have to worry about anything, but you can also report problems yourself – you have access to support directly in AWS).
  • The possibility of receiving additional funds for infrastructure in AWS (Proof of Concept),
    Flexible settlement in any currency: PLN, EUR, USD (transfer, deferred invoice, no credit card required)
  • Support business on more favorable terms than those offered by AWS to end customers,
  • Better understanding of the Amazon Web Services billing model,
  • Cost optimization in the cloud,
  • Paying attention to the costs of our customers in AWS, which can sometimes be painfully persuaded,
  • We have a contract to entrust the processing of personal data – so we ensure compliance with UODO requirements,
  • Additional AWS support, provided for official partners.

Our services as AWS Commercial Reseller can be provided on several models:

  • We may not know anything about your infrastructure, we do not see your data – we only issue invoices in the selected currency, pay by postponed payment,
  • We can see your bill, but not given – we can advise something, ask about the resources used and their sense,
  • You can give us access to your account, and we will support you in the choice of load balancing solutions, and we will be able to answer any additional questions that bother you.


We also have a DPA signed with Amazon Web Services. We have been working with personal data since the introduction of a dedicated law in Poland. We also know how to prepare the infrastructure to be compatible with UODO, PCI DSS, and others, and just what to and how to encrypt, share and backup so that you simply do not worry about your resources and their security.


Any questions? Contact Us

Case Studies

Hostersi is recommended as a reliable and highly professional partner. Thanks to the involvement of Hostersi the performance of platform increased by 8-times!

Rafal Kopyto
Briefly about us
We specialize in IT services such as server solutions architecting, cloud computing implementation and servers management.
We help to increase the data security and operational capacities of our customers.