Performance optimization

Performance optimization

Performance optimization is a service dedicated to existing websites and web applications. Optimization allows you to increase speed of operations, achieve greater stability and reliability and prevent setting limits to development of services. Optimization measures also affect the increase in the number of users who are willing to use the application, which often translates into revenue growth. Performance optimization also allows you to reduce costs related to maintaining servers and usage of transfer of internet access.

Our experience, gained throughout many years, allows us to believe that performance of each system can be increased at least ten times or more. In case of professional web projects, optimization measures are not only necessary to maintain their profitability, but above all they are one of the basic tools of obtaining competitive advantage.

We conduct performance optimization based on the knowledge and experience of Hostersi experts and analytical tools created by us. We test performance of applications and load of infrastructure to check:

  • network – i.e. the amount of data being sent and received,
  • amount of running processes,
  • usage of RAM,
  • database load – i.e. the amount of executed SQL queries,
  • analysis of the application source code,
  • CPU load,
  • time of page generation.

The result of our tests is a report containing recommendations of amendments, based on the analysis and diagnosis of application resources. The acceptance of the proposed changes by the customer is followed by the implementation of these recommendations and another performance analysis verifying the effectiveness of the solutions. What is also interesting, properly conducted performance optimization is an action that pays for itself fairly quickly and apart from money, it also saves you from stress.


According to research conducted by Amazon, every 100 milliseconds of delay costs a company 1% drop in sales. Google, in turn, has experienced that making the waiting time for the results of search longer by five seconds resulted in a 20% reduction of traffic (


Performance optimization includes activities such as:

  • diagnosis of performance problems,
  • load tests,
  • technical plan for development of the website,
  • providing system scalability,
  • changing database architecture,
  • recommending convenient server location,
  • lowering the cost of maintaining the service,
  • analysis of source code of the service, carried out in order to detect relevant performance irregularities,
  • increasing the speed and efficiency of the website / application.


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Case Studies

Hostersi is recommended as a reliable and highly professional partner. Thanks to the involvement of Hostersi the performance of platform increased by 8-times!

Rafal Kopyto
Briefly about us
We specialize in IT services such as server solutions architecting, cloud computing implementation and servers management.
We help to increase the data security and operational capacities of our customers.