Security tests

Security tests

Black Security Box security tests allow you to check the vulnerability of your IT assets to external attacks. The Black Box penetration testing methodology involves looking "from the outside" at the application under test, which often provides a fairly faithful reflection of the actions of a potential hacker. This service is aimed at companies and institutions that are particularly concerned about excellent data protection. Thanks to the tests, you receive detailed information about security vulnerabilities in the resources, together with security recommendations, which allows you to minimize business risks associated with a possible hacking attack and leakage of important data.

Bet on security

Security tests are a one-off expense ranging from a few hundred PLN to even a few thousand PLN. The price of the service depends primarily on the type and size of the IT resources being tested.

Black Security Box security tests

The Black Security Box security tests we offer reflect the actual knowledge of a potential intruder to the greatest extent, as they are carried out without the testers' more excellent knowledge of the resources being analyzed.

What do Black Security Box security tests consist of?

Our experts will examine the security status of your data by simulating external attacks. They will point out possible vulnerabilities and propose solutions to minimize business risks associated with possible hacker intrusions. They will present the results of their work in a final report assessing possible business risks.

How are the tests carried out?

All work is carried out remotely via the Internet. It is carried out according to our experts' proprietary methodology, which is based on OWASP methodology, international and national standards, and legal regulations on IT system security.

Why take care of your security with Hosters?

The Black Security Box security testing proposal is based on the expert knowledge and experience of our specialists, who are competent in the area of security and IT management, confirmed by prestigious certificates. Proof of our competence is also provided by the numerous testimonials of our clients. Our competencies have been verified by numerous authorities and public institutions. 




Case Studies

Hostersi is recommended as a reliable and highly professional partner. Thanks to the involvement of Hostersi the performance of platform increased by 8-times!

Rafal Kopyto
Briefly about us
We specialize in IT services such as server solutions architecting, cloud computing implementation and servers management.
We help to increase the data security and operational capacities of our customers.